Magenta: the color of 2023.

Magenta: the color of 2023.

The 2023 it color, named Viva Magenta by Pantone, will reign supreme. This shade will serve as a benchmark for the future months in terms of interior design, home decor, makeup, and clothing.

In a statement, the manufacturer of the color chart described the resulting hue as “an uncommon tone for an unconventional moment,” a blending of crimson and purple. S ignifies development and fresh start thinking.

The red of cochineals, “one of the most gorgeous and brilliant dyes ever made,” is only one example of the natural hues that served as inspiration for the Viva Magenta color palette.

This color (PANTONE 18-1750) was provided by the company as a representation of vitality, vigor, and strength.

Like this shade? In what ways might you wear it?

Source: Backstory Contents